STEM Students in classroom and in front of MEC Building




利银白杨, 威尼斯人会员注册董事会成员和获奖的当地女商人, 将在即将到来的学院签售会上分享她的书《威尼斯人会员注册》中的故事.​  ​

南泽西州罗文学院(RCSJ)为当地女商人丽塔·阿贝尔的新文学作品举办了一场免费的签售活动, “A Journey to Now.” The program will take place on Thursday, Nov. 上午11点9分.m.位于学院威尼斯人注册校区的拉斯泰利商业和企业中心. 

本次活动由威尼斯人注册县商会和基石银行赞助. All proceeds from the book go directly to the Rowan College Foundation, which provides financial support to RCSJ–威尼斯人注册 students.  

阿贝尔是菲律宾裔,是美国木材公司的总裁兼首席执行官., a multi-million dollar building material distributor. The company is based in Woodbury Heights, in 威尼斯人注册 County.   

《威尼斯人注册》是这位屡获殊荣的企业家撰写的第五本书. 这本书是摘自她之前几本书的章节汇编,包括, “The Self Architect Redesigning Your Life,” and “Dis-rupt 2.0 Filipina Women Daring to Lead.”  

“这是我的经历,”阿贝尔在简要介绍这本书时说. “这是关于我所经历的事情——一开始发生的事情, when I left the Philippines, to where [I am in life] now.”  

银白杨也是RCSJ董事会成员,他很高兴学院能举办这次活动. “This is a new experience for me,阿贝尔说, who previously participated in book signings with PWN, an international book publishing organization for women.  

“I will be in front of college students and others,” she noted. “我会告诉他们一些我的旅程,我会在那里为我的书签名. 这太酷了?”  


阿贝尔出生于东南亚国家,成年后成为一名教师. 阿贝尔的工资很低,这使得她很难养家糊口, which consisted of herself and two children. 她没有沉湎于贫穷的泥沼中,而是定下了一个最终实现的目标.  

“我一直梦想去美国,因为这是一片充满机会的土地,”她透露. How she made it to the U.S. ——以及她来到这里后所经历的最初的痛苦经历——令人大开眼界. 你可以通过阅读《威尼斯人注册》和参加签售会来了解更多关于这些冒险的信息.  

已经读过这本书的一个人是RCSJ商学院院长. 帕特丽夏Claghorn. She had nothing but kind words to say about 银白杨’s recent literary work.  

“It inspired me,” she declared. “It is a story of sacrifice and hard work, 哪些可以作为我们的学生在自己的生活中可能遇到障碍的指导. 

“My favorite quote from the book is, “我真的相信,我的文化和传统给了我力量和毅力,让我不再分心, to embrace the struggle, and to go against the grain when necessary.’” 

Some of the hardships the dean, who has been with the College since 2004, is referring to relate to the fact 银白杨 is an immigrant, Filipina woman working in a male-dominated lumber industry. 作者的口音是她为了在这个领域赢得尊重而必须克服的另一个障碍.  

There was one instance, according to 银白杨, when she was in a meeting, and she mispronounced someone’s name. The room – full of American men – laughed, 窃笑起来, and ridiculed her because of the accidental mispronunciation. 银白杨 left the room shedding tears of hurt and embarrassment.  

Suddenly, a thought came over her. 虽然他们都笑了,她却默默地对自己说:“他们会说三种语言吗?? I can speak English because English is our second language. I can speak the Filipino language. I can speak a little bit of Spanish.”  

银白杨 learned to turn the “negative” of her accent into a positive. 当首席执行官通过电话联系客户和潜在买家时, they know exactly who they are speaking to because, like Nat King Cole, her voice is “Unforgettable.”  

Navigating through onerous experiences such as these, with resilience and grace, 帮助银白杨获得了备受瞩目的认可,并赢得了众多奖项,包括:美国100位最具影响力的菲律宾女性之一,在建筑和新兴领袖类别中, in 2009; one of the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women Globally in 2017; SJ Magazine’s 2017 Women of Excellence Inspiration Award; the National Association of Women Business Owners South Jersey (NAWBO SJ) Woman Business Owner of the Year, that same year; plus many more.  

今年早些时候,这位开拓性的作者在发起两国之间的伙伴关系方面发挥了重要作用 RCSJ and Central Mindanao University, in the Philippines. 这种合作关系旨在培养学院和菲律宾学校护理学生之间的多元文化学习经验.  

According to RCSJ, “The agreement will … foster exchanges of academic personnel, student study abroad programs, and video exchange of laboratory simulations.”  

银白杨, 谁喜欢周游世界,学习不同的文化, 她计划利用签售会的机会与与会者分享她在生活中获得的知识. One of her main priorities is to empower women.   

“The advice I can give to the young ones is [to] embrace who you are. Don’t hide your talent,” 银白杨 advised. “坚强. If you are like me, a dreamer, you go for that dream. If somebody [gives] you an opportunity for that dream, 你抓住它, you hold onto that and don’t let go.” 

“She has always served as a role model for our students, especially our female students, who are able to see who they can become by learning from her example,克拉格霍恩补充道. “丽塔教会我们拥抱自己,做自己,勇敢.” 

银白杨 imparted a few more bits of insight she assured will help us all. “Be thankful and always share your knowledge with somebody else. Don’t be greedy,” she asserted.  

“如果你有决心、有毅力、勤奋并运用常识,你就会成功。. Always be honest and never forget where you came from.”  

For information about RCSJ’s Business Studies Division, visit, RCSJ.edu/Business.  ​
