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RCSJ Theatre Student Sets Sights on Broadway

RCSJ Acting Student Jessica Fowlers on Stage

​​​Jessica Fowler, 威尼斯人会员注册戏剧专业大二学生, 曾在瓜拉西尼表演艺术中心卢西亚诺剧院的舞台上演出过多部戏剧, on the Cumberland campus. In a couple of years, after she earns her bachelor's degree, Fowler plans to play a major role on Broadway. 

“我想成为百老汇舞台剧的舞台或制作经理,”福勒透露. “There's nothing like New York. There's nothing like a Broadway show. It's the place for onstage theatre."

Fowler describes herself as an astute problem solver, which is a great trait for a stage manager to possess. “我在压力下工作得很好,而且精力非常充沛,”她说. “Even if I don't know something, I'll figure it out."

The 21-year-old has been acting since she was five. 福勒在坎伯兰郡学院(现在的RCSJ)扮演祖祖 It's a Wonderful Life

“她学得很快,很容易就赢得了演员们的心," said Deborah Bradshaw, director of Performing Arts at RCSJ. “她很可爱,总是知道什么时候该上台,该去哪里."

In Fowler's nearly two decades of acting on stage, 对她来说,有一场表演比其他表演更引人注目. “我最喜欢的角色是在这里出演奥古斯特·奥塞奇县的时候,”这位女演员说. “I played Jean and Deb Bradshaw directed it." 

Jean is described as “sullen, quirky, 她渴望逃离艰难的家庭。. According to Fowler, 14岁的珍有参与非法活动的嗜好,说话的口气就像水手一样. “玩这样成熟的内容真的很有挑战性,我喜欢这种挑战," Fowler admitted. 

在她遭受痛苦之后,这个角色出乎意料地对她提出了更高的要求, then overcame, a devastating personal tragedy during the process. “我也为自己感到非常自豪,因为在我拍摄这部剧的时候,我的父亲突然去世了," Fowler disclosed. “参加节目的每个人都给了我很多支持,教我如何以健康的方式疏导自己的情绪."

她的表演得到了戏剧界的广泛认可,以至于她被新泽西州社区剧院协会提名为佩里奖杰出青年女演员. “虽然她没有带走奖杯,”布拉德肖说,“但她确实赢得了我们的心."

这位表演艺术总监很高兴有机会以导演和教授的身份指导福勒. 布拉德肖说:“杰西就是你想要的学生. “她总是准备好,热情,致力于我们正在工作的节目或场景. 她帮助我把这个Zoom/在线流行病课堂时间变成了一种快乐."

For Fowler, the feelings are mutual. “I love Deb. I trust her so much," the theatre major expressed. “她知道自己在说什么,而且总是开门见山. She doesn't sugarcoat things and I appreciate that."

此外,根据福勒的说法,“她把最好的作品放在一起. They're top tier!"

Interestingly, 福勒跟随她的两个姐姐的脚步,她们也在该学院表演并毕业于该学院. 阿曼达·福勒- wurtz目前是普莱森特维尔高中的戏剧老师,布鲁克·福勒是迪斯尼乐园的表演者. 

When asked if she always wanted to be like her big sisters, Fowler said, with a smile in her eyes, “Yeah, you could say that."

Fowler, a member of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society, appreciates her experience at the College, a place that has become a sort of home away from home. “是的,我很享受在RCSJ读书的时光,”她自豪地说. “I really like the Luciano Theatre. It makes me feel safe."

“我喜欢所有的人,每个人对我都很好,”福勒继续说道. “我觉得我可以学习和成长,而不会因为犯错而感到尴尬. 这只会让我成长得更多,因为我可以随心所欲地发挥我的演技." 

Fowler, 谁开玩笑说她有“奶奶的爱好”,比如钩针编织, 相信社区剧场是帮助人们克服大流行病带来的低迷的宝贵工具. 

“在整个COVID事件中,这很艰难,”她承认. “我认为让人们去看一场演出是一件很特别的事情. 对社区来说,拥有剧院真的很重要,尤其是现在. I think it's pretty essential."​


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